Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Rolling in the New Year

Hey guys,

Whatsup? It's been a great Holiday break and I'm not ready to go back to school. Today I uploaded a video I have been working on since around Christmas. It is a look back at all the important things in 2008:

Yeah, I know the singing isn't my best. I was so rushed to get it out in time because I just had a few days to record, film, and edit it. The editing didn't turn out as good as I planned because when I imported it using my new software, i couldn't edit it in my old. So I had to do the ENTIRE project in unfamiliar software. VERY BAD IDEA! So yeah, sorry if the editing isn't up to par with my usual style. I had to cut 40 minutes of green screen footage down to 4 min. Then I had to go back and add the background and position each individual green screen shot. Oh well, hope you like it.

I'm gonna do like last year and make a list of things I want to accomplish in 2009. But first, here is my list from last year. Let's see if I lived up to my goals:

Get all A's on final report card

Exempt my exams

Get my Permit

Start looking for a job
Lol, no. I'm not old enough!

Make new friends
Duh! I had to at a new school (this is before I knew I would switch)

Build better relationships with my really close friends
...I've kind of lost good relationships with people at my old school. And one of my best friends moved away. So, I can't really say I completed that. Unless you mean online and with Jake, then YES! ;)

Save Money

Exercise more
You're kidding right? NO!

Eat less junk food
I guess I sorta did this....Sorta.

Do good in "Smellin' Coffee"
I think so!

Get over my mild stage fright
Lol, I like how I said "mild" and yes, I am over it!

Pray everyday by myself (not including school)
Well, I kind of let myself down on that one. I have actually been praying less than when I was in a Christian School. I haven't really thought about it until. Dang! Sorry Jesus! I mean I have prayed, but not as often as I used to. I do sometimes at night if I go to bed kind of early. :(

Ok, so time for REALISTIC goals for next year:

1. Become a Partner on YouTube.
2. Create at least 20 parodies over the year.
3. Get over 2,000 Subscribers.
4. Get good grades next semester (and First semester, 11th Grade).
5. Share my faith every opertunity available at school.
6. Be more outgoing, and not so shy around strangers.
7. Find a good charity to sponsor after I get a job and donate regularly.
8. Get a job.
9. Get my Drivers License.
10. Find a way to share Christ's love through my videos (without being forceful)
11. Find a way to sneak over to Jake's house and hideout in his Attic.

Haha, JK about that last one. Btw, Jake I wanted to let you know I'm still alive. Sorry I didn't write you yesterday. I didn't realize editing would be an all day process. I guess instead of writing you I'll include it in this entry. Thank you so much for being my friend this year. Well and the year before but I think this year we have grown closer than we ever were before. Sure, we had a few mishaps and even some arguments but we always ended up getting back together. Hopefully our friendship will grow even stronger in 2009, if that's possible, haha. You are my Online BFF and you will always be. I love you (like a brother) dude! :)

Well I'm having the craving for a scary movie so I'm gonna go look one up. I'll make sure to catch the ball drop too!

Everyone have a great New Years and "Good Luck in '09!"

3..2...1....HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Have I Given Up?

If there are any readers out there (that I haven't kept in contact with in other ways) then I sincerely appologize for not giving you guys an update in weeks. A lot of my time has been dedicated to schoolwork, videos, and talking with friends online. I have a Vlog that you can subscribe to at:

I try to update as much as possible along with extra stuff not on my main channel. I am not giving up on my journal, I just am finding less time to keep you updated as often as I would like. The more popular I become on YouTube, the more time I have to dedicate to my videos to keep my fans happy. And it's something I really enjoy doing. YouTube is my other life right now. And I look at it as a way to practice for my career intentions in the future. I hope you understand.

I will still try to update as much as possible, but I don't want to consider this blog a priority. I put my online friends (Mainly Jake) and my videos above anything else online. Of course I like to keep the world updated on my life, along with my future self. But I consider videos another way to record my life, the creativity side.

So yeah, just wanted to throw this quick update out there. I hope EVERYONE out there has a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I surely plan on updating before New Years with my goals for 2009. I will recheck my goals from last year and see what I achieved.

Jake, I haven't heard from you in a few days buddy. I hope everything is going ok with you over there. I know the holidays are a busy time for you, and I hope they are going great! Merry Christmas Bro!

Good Night to all, and to all a....Yeah!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Point of No Return

10 Days in the dark. MY BAD!

This past week or so has been CRAZY busy. I really had a good time though. Our plays on Thursday and Friday of last week went fantastic. I was really pleased with my performance. This class has tought me a lot. Saturday we went to Charlotte to work on the Operation Christmas Child workshop. It was so cool to inspect the boxes and help stuff them with extra stuff. I just thought it was cool knowing that the next person to look inside that box after me would be a kid that may only recieve this one gift all year or posibly all their lives. I am definitely doing my own box next year.

So, I'm sick! Wednesday I woke up with a really bad sore throat, Thursday I had a runny nose, and today was both combined. Not to mention the medicine I took this morning "may cause drawsiness". I felt like crap in my first two blocks. Oh well, hope I get over it soon.

We have to do a monologue for Drama on Monday. I took mine from Hello, Dolly. I had one from another play picked out but I like this one better. Yesterday and today we worked on blocking it. I hope I'm ready for it on Monday. We also had to do a Resume. We had to list all the plays we have been in since 8th grade. That was pretty cool to make. We also had to list "special skills" so i put singing, jazz and irish step dancing. At the end of class today (fun class, we laughed so hard with no reason at all!) we were talking about spongebob and mrs. Daniels was grading our papers and called out my name really loud and said "CLIFTON! You can do Irish Step dancing?!?". Everybody tried to get me to do it but i didn't, lol. I only know a little bit (from old school) and I didn't want to look stupid, lol.

We watched a movie on earthquakes in Southern California in Science class. Pretty scary stuff.

Jake, are you okay there little buddy? lol. Haven't heard from you in a few days. Write soon!

I took some of that medicine again and I'm starting to get weak and sleepy. I guess I'll close here. I will probably have a new video up tomorrow so i'll try to update then. Everyone have a great night, especially you Jake!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy 27th!

Happy Birthday Britney Spears! Haha, that's the best way I could think of to open the entry :p I just downloaded your new album online on Limewire! ;)

Sorry I haven't updated in like a week. My break was pretty busy with Thanksgiving and stuff. By the way that went good in case you were wondering.

Our play is Thursday and Friday and I'm really excited about it. We have a dress rehearsal tomorrow during class so I get to wear my PJs! Lol. Tomorrow will be my first time running the lights on my own. I'm kind of scared because I'm unsure about one part in the first play. Hopefully I won't miss my cue. I don't want to dissappoint Mrs. Daniels. Other than that 1 part I think I have it down.

Saturday I'm gonna work with my partners (yes, we have another person with us now) on our trrbuchet project. We still haven't started :( I'm not gonna get into that now but I would have liked to start last weekend.

Oh I made a preview trailer for my new parody coming out Friday!

I can't wait to release it!

I know this entry is short but I just wanted to fill you in on whatsup. I'll try to update Saturday after Operation Christmas Child. I won't be able to until then unfortunately. But after this week my schedule should go back to normal.

Everyone have a great night! Especially you Jake. I haven't really heard from you in a couple days so write when you can! NIGHT!


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pucks for Scouts


Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I've been...busy (LAZY!). Normally, I'd update on each day I missed, but I'm gonna cut it down to this weekend.

We had a class at church for the guys in our troop and 1 other troop working on "Disability Awareness". The instructor was from the other troop. We went around the room and asked people if they had any disabilities. He counted glasses as them but other than that there were a couple kids with ADHD, one with Diabetes, and ummmm allergies. Haha. When he got to me he kind of hesitated and I was like "my arm". he kind of looked at me and said yeah and moved on. Hold up, he kind of skipped right over me. The others he asked questions and stuff but he just kind of moved right on. OK THEN! Haha, what's even funnier was the next thing he talked about was being comfortable with people with disabilities. Hmmm, i think he needs to learn himself :p But after that we got to shoot and go get a basketball in a wheelchair. Word of advice: Don't try to roll a wheel chair using one arm, you will just go in circles. Lol, I used my feet.

When we got home I waited up and watched YouTube live. It was pretty cool, although I got lied to by Youtube!:

Link to message:

GRRRRRRZ! Still no apologies. WHATEVER!

OOOOH, I talked to one of my BFFs..... JAKE! We chatted for a while and it was wicked awesome! So is he!

Today we continued our Disability Merit Badge work. However.... this time it was FUN! We (scouts) met at the church at about 12PM and then headed out to Pineville, NC. There we ate a quick lunch and then rode over to the TRAIN STATION! coooooool! I've never rode a train before. We parked our bus (after running over a curb. THANKS TODD!). When we went to get our tickets I put in a 20 dollar bill (the tickets were 1.50 round trip) and it spit out like 18 gold coins., DUDE! I gave 5 of them to my scout master for a 5 dollar bill. We were all laughing when they kept coming out. I had never seen the gold dollars. They look really cool. Except... they don't say "In God We Trust". WOW! That's a first. :(

Anyways, the train ride was so cool and fun. Then we met at the "Time Warner Cable Arena" and were given a tour of the accesibility for handicap fans. Wow, there were lots of stuff for them. We also toured the private suites and it was so cool! I felt like a VIP!

Then we went to our seats and watched the game. It was a little boring except for the fights and the cheerleaders next to us. Then, one dude came over to us with 2 cheerleaders and told us we were the fans of the day. The camera turned on us and we were on the big screen. Then they made us start to cheer for the team. Haha, it was so cool. Except it was weird that hundreds of people were watching us embarass ourselves, lol. Oh well, two hot cheerleaders were sitting behind me so it's all good :)

After the game we rode the train back to where we parked. DUDE! The train was packed full of people! I almost fell over when the train started to move. Todd had to catch me, lol. I wasn't the only one though. After that we ate at Arby's for supper then headed home.

The trip was a lot of fun. So I went to my first hockey game and rode my first train/lightrail in one trip. I love Charlotte, although I'd hate to live there. Too much crime. But I love big, busy cities.

I have pics of the trip but I probably won't share them because I don't feel like editing the scout uniforms to make them unidentifiable. JAKE, I'll email some to you as soon as I'm done with this entry.

Well, that's it for this entry. Sorry it's so short, well, not really. Anyways, I'll try to write/vlog later this week. Only 2 school days, WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!

Love ya!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Yep! No time for an entry tonight but I wanted to make sure you guys knew I was ok :) Crap, now back to my history homework :( I'll update tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Barack Obama!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Yay, my candidate won!!!!!!!

This is a quick entry. I just wanted to express my excitement, haha. So I can say I've been in the same room as our president, the first black president of the United States. Haha, what an awesome story to tell my kids.

Quote from January 24th, 2008
We went on our first field trip since seventh grade. Went to hear one of senator Obama's speeches. He is one of the presidential candidates in the United States for 2008. I am neither republican nor democrat. I am not that much of a politics guy. I don't really follow it that much. But it was cool to actually see a guy who could be the next president. We got a really good view too. We were in the back of the room to start with but my friends and i snuck to the middle. It was a cool speech even though he put down President Bush a lot. And when he was getting ready to come out the whole crowd started chanting "Fired Up! Ready To Go!". I guess that's his slogan or something. It was fun! If you ever get the chance to go to one of these speeches, please go! I thought it would be boring but it was really exciting!

Oh yeah... here is my vid:

Haha, hopefully that lightens up your mood if you were a McCain supporter :)

Everyone have a great night, especially you Jake. I hope scouts was a blast!


Monday, November 3, 2008

Reach Out And Touch Me!

Yeah, I've been listening to Hilay Duff's new single:

Lol, I've been a Hilary Fan since Lizzie McGuire. That was my favorite show. I wasn't to big of a fan of her last album "Dignity" but her first 2 were great. I own them both and listen to them regularly. This new single is HOT! It's a whole new style for her but I'm liking it. Hey, she's 21 now, she doesn't have to live up to that preteen image anymore. She can be sexy! BTW, did you know her and my sis were born like a week apart, same year? Pretty cool!

Oh wait... this isn't my music review blog. HI!!!!!!!!!

Today was pretty cool. It went by sort of fast though. We have tomorrow off because of elections. I have been working on a video this past weekend and I plan to release it early tomorrow. So since there is no school, make sure to check it out!

Yeah I know Jake, I haven't updated in a week. MY BAD! Thanks for the reminder though. I don't know what I'd do without ya ;)

No big plans for the week. Besides school. :(

I'm gonna get to bed now. I'm pretty sure I will update tomorrow since I will have a new vidseo so check back then! Everyone have a great monday night! Especially you J-J-J-J-Jake!!!!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Assuming Isn't Believing


Today was pretty good. It was an average day at school so I'm not gonna get into the day because I wanted to talk about something that happened after school.

Well, for a few months now one of my Assistant Scout Masters Mr. Hayes slowly seemed to back out of scouting. It started out by not coming to a lot of campouts and he eventually just stopped showing up. Well, I was really pissed about that to be honest. He was my favorite leader, been there since I started. His wife was also an ASM and I liked her a lot too. Well, after he left there were a lot of changes in the troop with the way we ran it. They were converting it to be pretty much all boy run with little help from leaders. This all started to happen while I was the Senior Patrol Leader. It made me very frustrated and also betrayed by Mr. Hayes. Why would he just drop out like that? Was it because his son wasn't as involved anymore? Did he just not care about us? I had overheard several times excuses. First was he was sick, then it was because of family trouble. I didn't believe it, I just thought it was excuses for backing out. They officially announced about a month and a half ago that he had taken a leave from scouting due to these problems. I knew it was coming, and I hated hearing it. I become really mad at Mr. Hayes because I liked him so much.

Well, we found out tonight what was really going on. Our SM talked with him yesterday and found out terrible news. He had been diagnosed with lymphoma cancer, which is a cancer in the bones and lymph nodes. It creates a large tumor on your throat. They are still doing tests and are not sure what could happen but it's not looking good. Wow.... I felt so bad. I assumed that he was just slacking off when something very serious was going on. He started out very sick. First with a cold, then fever, and it worsened after that. So the first excuse was right. He really was sick... God I felt so bad. I felt like crying because I didn't trust God for his reasoning before. Trust seems to be a big issue for me lately. So please...keep Mr. Hayes and his family in your prayers. I really hope they treat it and remove the cancerous cells... I don't know how I'd react if...nevermind.

So yeah, that was pretty much the inciting moment of the day. Jake and I have exchanged emails a couple times today about something that happened between us (my fault) a couple weeks ago. I'm not going to speak about it publicly because it is something private between us, but I feel really bad for it. I'm sorry man....

Oh yeah JAKE, I found this video on youtube today, I think it would be awesome for you to learn to play it!

Well, I'm gonna enjoy the rest of my night sitting here watching tv, lol. Have a good night everyone, especially you Jake. Goodnght.


Monday, October 27, 2008

A Blog Changing Event?

Hey reader!

Today was pretty good. I was sooooo tired though for some reason. I was trying to stay awake in History but kept feeling my head slide off my arm. It was horrible! Watching a movie about Andrew Jackson made in the 70s doesn't help either!

In Spanish I am the week's helper. Every week she picks a helper who keeps track of participation points and adds a tally mark for everyone who participates in class. Sure...pick me the day when I'm about to go night night. Haha, at one time she was like "Clifton." I just sat there daydreaming. "Clifton....Clifton?". I jumped my gaze up to her. "Give Luke a point". Oops! Haha, she was laughing though. I love that class. We have a new seating chart and I'm right beside her desk. Too bad for me though because there's a bunch of sleepers around me, lol.

Lunch was average. There was almost a fight as me and Keenan walked in but the assistant principal stopped it before it started. Dang it! I know, I'm bad. I like seeing a couple of retards duke it out every now and then, lol. As long as I'm not involved or an innocent person, it's fun. Now I'd be really P'ed off if someone attacked someone for no reason unless they were the type who looked like they deserved it. You know...the guys with their pants down to their ankles and chains around their neck. Haha, not being racial either. I've seen people of all races who act and dress like that.

Drama was pretty cool. We had auditions for our class plays. I auditioned for Patrick, Owen, and Mr. Grey. Don't worry about those, lol. I'll tell you about the part I get casted as. We will find out tomorrow.

We had a sub in science so we watched "Myth Busters: Shark Week". Haha! I love that show! Before we started there was a fire drill so we all got to stand out in the freezing cold for about 5 minutes. Yipee!

So I was thinking, today I set up a YouTube account I plan to use for personal videos aside from what I do with my parodies. I was thinking about maybe turning this into a V-log. Where I still update this page, but with a video instead of text. That way instead of reading you can just watch or listen. Sound cool right? Well, it's just an idea. Let me know what you guys think in a comment. If I get no response, I'll decide what to do on my own. That might not be pretty, lol. Just kidding!

Well, it's past 11 so I should get to bed. I have a history test tomorrow that I reviewed over for about half an hour so I hope I do good on it. We get progress reports sometime this week so I don't know if I'm dreading or looking forward to it :)

Have a great night everyone, especially you Jake!

Your writer,

Friday, October 24, 2008


Hey my peeps!

This is seeming more like a weekly thing now than daily. I'm really sorry about that. I'm not avoiding writing. It's just this week has pretty much been dedicated to working on a video. I wanted to see how well I could work with a deadline. So Sunday morning I decided I wanted to start on a video and finish it by Friday. I wrote the lyrics, recorded, filmed, and edited it. It was a lot of work but it was fun. I guess that's what it would really be like in the film industry. Having to do things by deadlines. Well not just film, with anything in education or careers. But it's more fun and easier when it's something you like. For example, I have a 2 page paper due Wednesday about Andrew Jackson's Administration, and I haven't even planned on starting. I'll do it Tuesday night! Haha!

Oh yeah, here is the video:

Lol, yeah it is a parody of Britney Spears' Womanizer. I am fairly pleased with the results of this vid since I spent so much time on it.

Earlier this week I went through and removed all of my Titanic videos. Before that, within the past 3 weeks I had been told that 4 of my vids were removed due to Copyright Infringement. So I was like, what the heck?!? So I just took them all off. I uploaded them on another channel that will be unused. Then yesterday my "Outer Banks" video was removed for having copyrighted music, but I managed to use YouTube's "AudioSwap" to replace the audio. They are really cracking down on their stuff so you better watch out with what you upload!

The funniest thing happened this morning. As soon as it happened I told Jake so here is a copy and paste:
OMG Dude, I have to tell you the funniest thing that just happened!

So my mom and my brother were out getting his glasses fixed and my dad and I were here at home. I was in my room eating and my dad came to my door asking my how was it and I said good. He said he was getting ready to take a nap and I said ok. A few seconds later I hear "Clifton!!" and I see him running out the door. I watch from the window as he runs to his van and speeds out of the driveway. I was really freaked out. What the heck is he doing!!!??? I called his cellphone and asked him what the crap was he doing. He told me someone just stole the truck. He saw them pulling out of the driveway. I looked out the window and he was right, it was gone. I asked him if he knew the license plate number and he said no but he was going to call the police. I let him go and quickly called my mom. I told her what happened and she said, I'm in the truck! She had came home and changed vehicles to take my brother to his friends house (he has a really bad driveway and she didn't want to mess up her van). HAHA!

So I called my dad but didn't get an answer. He had already called the cops. My mom came home and then she tried to call him and finally got through. He was on the highway "chasing down the truck" and was panicking. She told him that she had it. He then started cussing and everything, it was sooooo funny. He came home and we told him to call the cops back. Well, last time he called 911, so he started to dial it again but i stopped him. then he got the phone out and called the sheriff's department. He told the person there "i'm sorry, i called early about my truck being stolen, my wife stole it". Then they said, ok let me transfer you to the dispatcher. DAD! You don't tell them your wife STOLE it!!!! Well, he then explained it to the dispatcher and she was like, "ok, let me call my officers back in then".

That was flipping hilarious dude! When my dad first called the cops they were like "are you sure it wasn't repo'ed?". and he was like "yea! i own the truck, it wasn't!".

Sorry, i just sooooooooooooo had to tell you that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

That still cracks me up even hours later :p

Well, I guess I'm just gonna surf around YouTube a bit and see if Jake gets on after his run. Oh yeah, no school for me today! Woohoo! It was a teachers work day or something but I was freeeeeee! Lol. I wish I was Jake, getting EVERY Friday off. You suck! Just kidding, lol.

Well, everyone have a nice night, especially you Jakers. I'll try to update every chance I can, probably tomorrow. See ya later alligators!

Your author,

Saturday, October 18, 2008

No Chicken...WAH!

Hey everyone!

It's a short entry because I want to get to bed early so I can wake up early in the morning. Well I'm not going to bed early really, just earlier than I normally do on Saturday nights.

This week has been pretty good. I surprised everyone with my hair, haha. But I have gotten lots of compliments so I guess it's ok.

Wednesday was a scout meeting. We discussed advancing the younger guys and also about the OA Campout next weekend. I'm not going though. I don't really have a good excuse besides I don't really feel like going. I like Troop Campouts better.

Our rough drafts for our play were due Friday. I finished mine but I didn't get a chance to get it read yet so I'll have to wait until Monday. I know it could be better but this is my first try at writing a play. It's a lot different than videos. But it's still fun.

Last night I had a webshow. It was going good and even Jake came on. Then I said I needed to talk to him about something and I went off air. I know it was a private conversation so I won't really get into it too much. But I am REALLY sorry about it man. I just had so much running through my head that day and I lost sense of what Trust really was. I mean, I have lost the trust of a lot of people lately by pretending to be what they are not, and he is pretty much the only close Online Friend I have left. I mean I have some others but he is the closest. And I questioned my trust. Not because he did something wrong, but because I was losing trust with all that has been happening around me. After I got my frustration out we discussed it more and he told me about the time when he had lost trust with people online as well. I guess it's something we have both been through now. I apologized for appearing to not trust him (which I do, with all my heart, trust him). We have both said that we are like brothers and I really mean it. I told him that if I ever had to make the choice between talking to him or doing everything else I regularly do online, I would chose him. Sure, I love YouTube and MySpace and all that, but he is the most important thing to me online. Luckily, I don't have to make that decision. I can have it all! Jake, thanks for being such and awesome friend and sticking with me through all this time. It really means a lot. You rock my world!

Oh the Title of this.... Well... I had originally planned to make a parody of Hot N Cold. I have been working on it all week but when I was getting close to finishing up, I realized something. There is no Chicken Suit in The Sims 2. WHAT? I had had in my head all this time there was and I was saving that part until last. Now that there is none I have nothing to do but put this project to a halt. If anyone knows how to get a Chicken Suit let me know. I'm not giving up on this, I've gotten too far, but I am going to move onto my next. By the way, I already have half of the next song recorded! I'm gonna finish it tomorrow and work on the vid throughout the week. Yippee!

Speaking of Youtube, over the past 2 weeks I've had 3 of my Titanic Videos removed due to copyright claims by the music owners. What the crap? I've had these videos on here for how long now, over a year!?! And they are just now deleting them. That's a bunch of crap. So what I decided to do, was remove ALL of my Titanic videos from my channel. Then I reuploaded them on a new one just for storing the best. I also cleared out some of my other videos that may be "illegal". WHATEVER! So I went from 76 to 31. Wow! Oh well, I don't regret it. This is just one step closer to becoming a partner. I am going to apply for it once I get some more subscribers.

That's about it for my week. I'll try to update again as soon as I can. It's hard to update every day with school and all. But I will try my best. Everyone have an awesome night! Especially you brother, Jake that is. :)

Your writer,

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Going Blonde!

Yikes, another week in the dust! Sorry readers!!!!

The only big news I can think of for this week would be as of yesterday. I freakin' dyed (well highlighted if you want to be specific) my hair. I'm now a blondie! I love blonde hair though and I thought I would give it a try. So far, I'm lovin' it!

Yep, that's pretty much the "highlight" of my week! I'm making this entry short because I need to get to bed. Tomorrow I am going to my old school and visiting because we have the day off and they still have school. So I'm popping in for lunch. I have my outfit planned out and everything, haha!

This weekend I have been able to chat with Jake some each night and it is awesome! He is one of my bestest friends ever and I am happy every time I talk to him or read his journal. He is such a neat and cool guy. If everyone had a "Jake" in their life this world would be perfect! :) You are awesome man.

Well, everyone have a great night. See you all next time I update. Don't worry, I have not and will not give up on my journal. It is a major part of my life and I would feel leftout without it. So don't worry if I go a few days without updating. I am either too busy or too lazy to mess with it, haha. But I don't forget about it, just wimp out. :p


Sunday, October 5, 2008

We're Prepared!

Hey! I got back from the Fall Camporee today! It was a lot of fun. It was themed around Emergency Preparedness. Here is pretty much what all happened:

Friday: We got there about 6:30PM. We got our stuff set up and split up into patrols and cooked hot dogs. We each had a grill and all the stuff we needed. The patrol I was staying with only had 3 other guys in it. After we ate, Reagan and I headed over to HQ for the SPL Meeting. We were a few minutes late but got caught up on everything we needed to know. After that we went back to camp and chilled for the rest of the night. We went to bed about 11PM.

Saturday: We woke up at 6:45 and got dressed. We broke into patrols again and cooked. Our patrol had bacon, sausage, and pancakes. After that Reagan and I went to another SPL Meeting. After that we had flag raising and opening ceremony. We then sent our younger guys off to one of the four stations. We went as a troop to the second one for basic review and to hear from the guest speaker. After that the younger guys went to the rest of the classes and we went back to camp to work on the entranceway. For lunch our patrol had ham and turkey sandwiches. After another SPL meeting we met to do some scenarios. Our first one was supposed to be like a plane crash. We were the rescuers. The victims were on the ground and had fake blood and little cards telling us what was wrong with them. We had to take them to safety. It was really fun. When it was our turn to be victims in the next scenario, they decided to only use 30 people. I wasn't picked. Why the heck wouldn't they pick me? I already am missing an arm so all i need is some blood and i'm good! Haha!

One of the Staff got a call in that one of the troops was missing a scout. They made tons of calls around and no one knew where he was. We then had a short meeting and actually performed a search ands rescue. It was really scary because we realized how serious it could be. Anyways, we searched for over an hour and then someone claimed to have found him. Well, later that night we found out it was faked. There was not real missing person. The staff had told one of the older guys a certain place in the woods to stand and pretend to be lost. I'm not gonna get into it here, but I think that was really stupid. I don't care if it was just a drill, you dont fake that you have a missing person just for practice. They had a lot of us really scared and praying for this guy. Whatever.

So after that we had Dinner and then worked on our skit. For dinner we had Hobo Meals. For our skit we based it off of a blond joke about Indians. It was pretty funny. The campfire went great and our skit turned out really good and everyone laughed. After that the guys 14 and over had our older scout program. It was really cool because we walked up to an old barn which actually turned out to be a small bar/club. Of course, no alcohol for us. :( WAAAAH!!!! Haha, just kidding. They had a pool table, pinball machine, Foosball table, tvs, and a bunch of couches and seats. It was awesome! Me and Reagan stayed for about half an hour then decided to head back to camp and be with our guys. Soon after we had to get to bed. Reagan and I along with 2 other guys in another tent talked for like 2 hours before actually falling asleep. It was pretty awesome.

Sunday: We got up and ate cereal for breakfast. Then we went to flag raising and the chapel service. We came back and cleaned up camp. Then at 11AM we had the awards ceremony. We won 3rd place Entranceway and 3rd Place Spirit Award. That's pretty good! Rock on guys! After that we went back to camp and finished packing while eating sandwiches for lunch. After our campsite was inspected we loaded the bus and drove the whole 30 minutes back to the church.

So that's pretty much it for my campout. I've been talking to Jake for a long time today and it is so awesome to talk with him one-on-one for a while. Anyways, it's almost midnight. SCHOOL TOMORROW! NOOOOO!

I hope everyone has a great night!

See ya,

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Summing it Up!

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't written in a week. It seems I have really slacked off these past few weeks. I'm really sorry. I'll try to get back to my daily routine starting next week. Keyword.... try.

This week has been pretty good. It has gone by really slow though. In drama we are now working on our own plays. Tuesday we discussed our 3 play choices we wanted to do. I got one of mine picked. I will tell you more about it as the story develops. Today we talked about the ploys of our plays. Mine is a comedy so the plot seemed sort of crazy at times.

Today was a pretty cool day. We had a quiz in history that I didn't think was until Friday. It was flippin' hard too! It was about the amendments and it was matching the number of the amendment to what it did. I probably did pretty bad on that but oh well, it's just a quiz. In Spanish we did a conversation assessment and tomorrow we are supposed to design our own floor plan for a school and tell about it (en Espanol). It's probably going to be pretty hard. Luckily I have a good group that cares about their grades.

I had to buy a song today! NOOOO! I'm so used to using limewire and other sites. Just kidding (not really). I needed the instrumental for "Hot N Cold" for my new parody and I could only find it on one site and it cost $3. I asked my mom and she let me set up a paypal account using her debit card. I gave her the cash and she let me download it. It sounds pretty good. The ending has a high pitched noise in it that isn't in the real song but I'll try to work around that.

At scouts, we are having our Fall Camporee tomorrow through Sunday. I don't really want to go but I need to. It will be our first "patrol based" campout. I'm not officially in a patrol so i joined up with the group with the least people. Reagan joined the same group as well. We had to plan our own meals and supplies. It's really frustrating and like I mentioned I would rather do it the other way. Speaking of that, I was told I needed to be at the meeting an hour early because they were having a leaders meeting. Sweet! I was the only kid there so it was a little weird, haha. But we discussed things like new t-shirt designs, upcoming campouts, and popcorn sails. They tried to let me have a lot of say-so in what we do but I kinda let them do most of the talking. I will try and be more involved next time.

Well I have to go get a shower. We have to be at the church at 5PM tomorrow and I don't get home from school until about 4:30. So I only have like 15 minutes before I leave again. This is my last shower until Sunday. YUCK! I'd take one in the morning but I'd probably like fall asleep in the shower. Oh well, a lot of others are in the same situation. We're boys, we're supposed to stink. NOT!

I hope everyone has a great and safe weekend. Jake I will email you right before I leave the house tomorrow. It will probably be really short, but I'd feel really bad if I didn't tell you bye personally. So yea, I'll make sure to do that. :)

I'll try to update Sunday night when I get home and tell you all about the trip. Everyone have a good weekend!

Yours truly,

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dead Spiders!

Hey! I just wanted to do a quick entry to not leave you guys hanging again. It's been a pretty good week. Nothing amazing that I can remember but if there was something it must not have been that important. Oh yeah, we had school pictures Tuesday. Other than that, not much.

Yesterday in science we had a lot of fun. We had a bunch of different labs set up at different tables and it was so cool to see what some stuff did when mixed. We even melted a penny! At the end the teacher had a remote control giant spider and he scared a few people with it. He put it on one girls desk below her papers and when she sat down he moved it. She lifted the papers and then screamed and almost flipped over her desk. Everybody busted out laughing and she was so embarrassed but she was laughing so hard at the same time. It was hilarious.

Oh, the title is because at the end of science today the teacher brought out a box with a dead Tarantula in it. I petted it and one of its legs feel off! Uhoh! It was old though and there were other parts of it in the bottom of the box, lol. It was furry.

Britt Nicole uploaded a better qualty video of "Ready" from the concert I went to over the summer. Here it is. This vid is way better than mine so watch it!

That's pretty much it for tonight. I hadn't heard from Jake since last Sunday but I finally got a short note from him this morning saying he's been busy but he's been doing good. So yay! Haha, that's what worried me the most, wondering how he was doing. So yea, talk to you soon Jakey!

Everyone have a great night (Especially you Jake. You too Gage!)


Sunday, September 21, 2008


Yowzers! I haven't updated in a week. Everybody makes mistakes....everybody has those days.....1234!

Today was pretty cool. I had a cold and some sort of weird eye infection earlier this week but they are both pretty much gone now.

This weekend I spent a lot of time working on a new parody. I have been trying to work on it for almost two weeks but I've been busy with the campout and school stuff. But this afternoon I finally released it!

Pop-Chick (Toxic Parody)

Oh, and when i filmed the part laying on the ground (Friday), I got stung by a yellow jacket. It hurt! Before i started filming i saw it flying around me but i just figured it would go away. About half way through filming a felt something start hurting on the back of my leg. I didn't really think about it until i started to pack up my stuff and go inside and then it started really hurting. I HATE BEES! Maybe we should just like take away their stingers and let them go. That way they cant hurt me and can still do whatever bees do. Oh well, it's better now.

Saturday night I went to Olivia's 16th birthday party and it was awesome. Most of our time was spent making Smores and jumping on the trampoline :) Her birthday was last week but her party was saturday. She's a year older than me now :(

Today my aunt and uncle came over and visited with us. I haven't seen them since Christmas so it was nice talking with them.

That's about it for today. Sorry I missed you earlier Jake. If I had known you were on i would have tried to be on too. Oh well, we will try again :) Talk to you later man and everyone have a great night. See ya!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Beach Bum Be Back

YAAAAAAAAAAAAWN! I'm so tired right now. I'm gonna write yawn each time I yawn while updating. Yawn.

This weekend was amazing. I had a blast. So did the guys in the troop. I guess you are probably wondering how it went. Yawn. I guess I should tell you. ;)

When I got home from school Friday I noticed Venetian Princess had posted her video. I checked it and yep, there I was at 0:41! YAY ME! Here is the full video:

Here is a video I made with the full clip I sent to her, lol.

If you pay attention to the ending, theres a little bonus in there!

Ok to the campout! I got to the church around 5PM and once all the guys showed up we loaded our stuff onto the short bus and got some stuff from the scout hut and then headed out. We stopped at Wendy's about half way and had supper. We had to pay ourselves this time. We got to camp around 10ish. I decided to sleep in the camper. Actually it wasnt my decision. There were 6 people sleeping in tents, but they brought their own and had already partnered up. It was either try and fit in a tent with them, or sleep with the other guys in one of the ASM's camper, so what do you think i picked? ;) We all went to bed sort of early that night. We road out to the beach on the golf carts just to check it out and then came back to camp. Night night!

Saturday we got up around 7:30 and got ready to head out for breakfast and the "Beach Sweep". We stopped at McDonalds and then went down to the pier where we normally start. We walked down to where there was like a creek and turned ound and came back. Here are some pictures (I had to link them because they were too wide)

Yes, I edited the troop number and church name out. So excuse the bad spots, lol.

Then we went out and walked on the peir. We saw like 5 sharks swimming around it! Matt found some fish guts and threw them in and we watched and took pictures of the sharks eating it. But then this man walked up to us and told us it was illegal and if we were caught there would be a $450 fine. Wow! So we had to stop. I have a video of it but I don't want to post any "evidence", haha. But I can show you a picture of our guys looking at the sharks!

After that we stopped at the store at the start of the pier and got something to drink.

After that we had some free time back at camp so we dug in the sand, played in the ocean, played in both the indoor and outdoor pools, and went on paddly boats, haha. It was a really cool afternoon. Oh yeah and some time in between all that we had pizza for lunch back at camp. At around 4PM we had a meeting about what we were going to do that night. I came up with the idea to go to "Broadway at the Beach" and they all liked it. So that's what we did! When we got there we went to Hard Rock Cafe and ate first. I had some kind of Hickory BBQ Bacon 10oz burger thing. It was really good. One of our leaders told them it was Nick's birthday so when they came out to make him a foil hat he went crazy and accidently knocked his glass over with some kind of fruit drink in it and the glass broke. Oops! They gave him a free refill (new glass) though. He told them it wasnt his birthday but they didnt care. they brought him out front and announced his birthday to everyone and gave him ice cream. Haha! Then they made our guys get up there and do the YMCA dance. I got the whole thing on video, i wish i had a way to post it. I don't want to waste space on my youtube for it. If you want to see it and you know me just email me and ill send it.

After that we split up into groups of like 4 and walked around the broadway area. My group didnt really do much but walk around. We went in this candy store with a bunch of pics of girls posing. We called it the X-Rated candy store. It was hilarous going in there with our scout uniforms. There were girls licking all over chocolate and lollipops. It was hilarious. One sign said "WE HAVE BALLS! Gumballs, lemondrop balls, etc." lol. I bought some kind of sugar powder there. Here is a pic from inside the store:

Oh, there is this one spot on a bridge with tons or carp so we bought some fish food and threw it in. They all piled up on top of each other to get it. It was hilarious! I have that on video too. Here is a pic of a booth thing right near the walkway, lol.

When we were done we ran back to meet the guys at the resteraunt and then headed for the bus. When we got back to camp we were all full of sugar so we talked for a while and then went to bed.

Sunday (today) we woke up and packed our stuff up. We went to the chapel service put on by one of the Venture crews and then came back to camp to finish packing and check for trash. We then headed for the flea market!

We stayed there for an hour and only a couple people bought stuff. There wasn't really anything good there. Plus it was soooo hot! Especially when we got back to the bus. We were Roasting! But then the air cooled off and we were headed home. YAY BEACH SWEEP 2008!

Well I need to go email Jake. God this took so long to do. I should have started earlier. Now I only have 10 minutes before 11 and I still have science homework. This sucks. Night everyone!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Drama Mama


Today was pretty cool. It's late so I have to make this quick. Today was a late start day so school didn't start until 10:45AM. Each of my classes were 1hr long, and in between 2nd and 3rd block we had what they call "Advisory Time". It is in our homeroom and I'm guessing its supposed to be something about bettering yourself. It was only 25 minutes long and most of that time was filling out a paper about ourselves. My 2nd block is the same as homeroom so when everyone left after class i stayed sitting there. The teacher kinda looked at me for a second and then she remembered i was in her homeroom, lol. I left my stuff in the room and went to the bathroom. When I came back the room was full of strangers, some I recognized from the first day. The teacher didnt seem to know any of them either, lol. When she was calling role she had no clue how to say the names. She didn't really call me, lol. She just said Clifton and then moved on. Then after class as everyone was walking out she just kinda stood at the door and as i passed she said "Adios Clifton". :p

So after school I went to the first drama club meeting. It was really cool and I saw a lot of people from my P/P class in there. I didn't feel so bad being the new kid because this one girl in my class who is also new was there. We had to join a committee so I joined the one where I saw the most names I recognized, Scenery Committee. I'm guessing they are in charge of making the sets. That really isnt something i am interested in, but i'd rather be in that with people i know than another one with random people.

On the way to the van after school as I was walking on the side walk a truck pulled up in front of me and honked. I didn't look up or anything, i just figured it was some random person. Then as i started to cross the parking lot I heard "Hey there buddy.". I looked up. It was one of my scout leaders, lol. I don't see him that much but he was the one i mentioned in another blog entry that said those nice things at the board of review. We talked for like a minute and then he went into the school. I don't know what he was there for but I know he has a son there. It was cool to see him.

At our scout meeting tonight we talked about Beach Sweep and then met with the OA members and talked about Fall Fellowship. The leader that I saw at school showed up at the meeting tonight. It's always nice to see him there. I know, I'm a suck up :)

Well it's really late now so I gotz to goz! Everyone have an awesome night, especially you Jake!


Monday, September 8, 2008


Damn! (oopsie!) It's been almost a week since I've updated. Im sooooo sorry to all my readers. I know I've been slacking but I didn't realize my last update was last Tuesday. I'm sorry Jake, no wonder you were concerned about me. I feel like a jerk. I AM ALIVE!

This past week seems to have flown by really fast. I guess maybe because it was a short week. Nothing really too exciting happened that I can remember. Most of my friends are back in school now so I guess it's hectic for everyone trying to get back on schedule.

I've been working on a new video. Here is a preview I released a few days ago:
(Youtube is doing some maintenance. The video may appear to be "no longer available" but check back in a few minutes and it should work)

Haha, yea. By the music I guess you can tell who it's gonna be on.

Who watched the VMAs last night? I DID! All I can say is.....WOW!!!!! What an awesome show. I enjoyed every minute of it.

Congratulations Britney Spears! She won her first Moonman tonight. Her awards included best female video, best pop video, and.... BEST VIDEO OF THE YEAR! I knew she'd win! Go Brit!!!

I also loved Rihanna's performance of Disturbia. When the zombies started to come out I was like, "OMFG! Michael Jackson's back!", haha. But she did great.

My favorite performance of the night was Pink's "So What". I loved how it was like watching a music video. I like when she threw the bottle or whatever through the window and set the store on fire. That was AMAZING!

The only problem I had with it was the "Best New Performer" or whatever it was called. Miley Cyrus or Katy Perry should have won in my opinion. I don't know anything about Tokio Hotel. Well... I guess I do have to respect them because they got me thousands more hits on my "What If" video. In one of their vids on youtube the lead singer played the song and lipsynced to it so that day I had hundreds of people running to my video saying "OMG Bill is awesome! He loves this song!". He must have seen my video, haha. I have over a million hits on that one and it is almost more popular than the official video.

Yea, just thought you might like to know how it went, haha. It was a great event.

Well...since I can't think of anything else I need to go get my shower over with. I sent Jake a pretty long email today. I love writing to him. I know you are wondering, "how could you love typing an email?" but it's true. I guess I just like sharing my life with him because he means so much to me. I know, you are probably sick about hearing about how great he is, but I don't care. He is such an awesome friend and I can't imagine the internet without him, haha. I consider him part of the family and he has invited many times to run away and live with him, lol. If only I could. I could (and have, several times) spend all day daydreaming about what it would be like to live with him, or near him. I'd have to completely change my laidback lifestyle, choice of clothing (NO DUH!), and time management, but it would SO be worth it. I'd give almost anything to be his neighbro. Woah, typo but I like it! He's my neigh-bro!

Everyone have a "razz" night (guess who I stole that word from, hehe). Especially you Jake. Oh and thanks to all you other people that read, it means a lot :)

Your pal,

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

That's What You Get...

Dear Journal, (I'm gonna start like this from now on...maybe)

Today was sorta bad. Not awfully bad, but still bad. At school at least. Ok you are probably wondering why. Well let me get other stuff out of the way first.

History class was ok. We watched another movie and did our VHS Log. It was a pretty boring one though because it was just a bunch of pictures with a guy talking. It's old anyways, i liked the DVD's better.

In Spanish she paired us up in groups of three to practice a conversation. When she got to me she pointed me to be with 2 guys behind me. I turned my desk around and one was asleep and the other was talking to someone else. I kinda waited a minute and then I asked if they wanted to go over it. One dude got up and went to the teacher and told her we were ready. She already had another group going first. He came back and I asked again if they wanted to go over it. One of the guy's kinda looked at it and then put it away. The other still was laying his head down. Well, since I couldn't get anything out of them, i looked over it myself. Then she called us out in the hall. I had the first line so I said "Buenos Dias" to one of the other guys and held out my hand to greet him. He just looked at me and said "uhh..what did u say?". We wern't allowed to use English so I just kinda waited on him to say his next line. He pulled out the paper (like we aren't supposed to do) and read it. The teacher gave us another couple of minutes. We tried again. Still, he had no clue what he was doing. Neither did the other guy. I felt so stupid and yet there was nothing I could do about it. She kinda gave us a talk about using our practice time wisely. She have us all a C. Ok here's my anger...

Why the "F" should I get a C because they didn't want to work? I tried to get them involved and practice it but I couldn't make them. They are the ones who sit in the back of the class and don't do anything but talk all class. They don't give a crap about school. And what was she thinking partnering me with them? She knows I participate in class. And with this freakin' grade it will really lower my average and I only have like 7 and a half weeks to make it up. I think this was a test grade too. It is totally not fair. I am so used to getting all A's on my report cards and progress reports. And if this one freakin' grade causes me to get a C.... well I guess I am really hard on myself about my grades. My parents don't push me as hard as I push myself. Honestly, I felt like crying when I saw that grade and knowing there was nothing I could do about it. And now there is no changing it. But I mean, what could I have done? It's not freakin' fair and I'm not putting up with it again. If she does it again I am gonna have to meet with her after class or something. She is one of my favorite teachers there, but that was not fair at all of her to do that to me. So I guess "That's What You Get" when you go to a school with idiots. That made me really miss my old school, and I think that was pretty much the first time I've had a bad day in a while. It pretty much ruined my whole day. God this sucks...

Ok, now that that's over I can move on. Even though I still feel like crying over it :( I'm such a baby.

Lunch was good. I sat with Keenan again and then his sisters joined us. I'm starting to feel more comfortable with them and I guess they are becoming better friends. Like I've said before I'm not used to having to make new friends.

I finished up my testing in the computer lab. When I first got there the door was locked and no one was there so I decided to just go to third block but on my way to D building the computer lab lady, her name is Ms. Webb and I'm not even making that up, came out of the cafeteria. She said she had a meeting that ran over. She was really nice and apologetic. Oh, and she asked me if I wanted to ride the elevator so I was like SURE! It felt like a hotel or something, haha. When I got there I only had 3 questions to finish so she gave me a note and sent me to third block, Drama.

They were acting out their characters we made up a couple days ago. Uhoh! They all had theirs memorized but since I missed class Friday I hadn't looked at mine since Thursday. So as I was taking notes from the other "interviews" I reviewed over my character. Then she called me to be interviewed. Yea, I was nervous. And she said at the end she couldn't tell if it was the character being nervous or actually me. I didn't admit it but it was ME! Yea, I know we've been through a bunch of trust exercises, but I still don't know these kids. They all know each other, but i'm the new kid. I thought I'd feel comfortable because I love Theater, but I guess the crowd (my old school) really did affect my nervousness. To my old music class, I wasn't shy about anything. I was just as outgoing as everyone else. But in this new place, I am really shy, especially when speaking to the entire class. Yea..just thought you should know.

Ok I'm running low on time so I'm gonna skip science. It was an ok class. I got a 102 on my Test! YAY! Any chance those extra 2 points could transfer to my Spanish grade? :p

Tonight was our Court of Honor at scouts. A bunch of guys got rank advancements and merit badges. This was our first COH since Christmas so there was a lot to give out. I earned Life (YAY!) and I also got 5 Merit Badges. Next step...Eagle. Wow, I never thought I'd make it this far. I am so glad I got involved in scouting, I have loved every minute of it. I always look forward to our meetings and most our camp outs. Speaking of camp outs, Beach Sweep may be cancelled. I still paid my money ($40) but they said they will email us if Hurricane Hanna changes our plans. Right now it is supposed to hit the Coast of the Carolina's Friday Morning. We'll just have to wait and see. I think I said that last entry, lol. But anyways, I'm very proud of the guys in our troop for advancing and continuing to stay active.

Well that's pretty much it for tonight. Jake started his schoolwork today and Gage started his new school today as well. Kristian has his first day at his new school tomorrow. Good luck buddy and have a great time! It won't be as bad as you think, trust me. Have fun! Everyone have a great night, especially you Jake.

Sincerely (NOT!),

Monday, September 1, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

Hey everyone!

It's been a few days since I last updated. Hello September! Happy Labor Day!!! No school today, heck yea!

As you all know, Hurricane Gustav has been threatening the Caribbean area for the past several days. Today it made landfall in Louisiana but has now weekend to a Category 1 Hurricane. There still have been several deaths and injuries involved with this storm so my prayers go out to all the families and victims who have been harmed by this storm. And Hurricane Hanna is on her way right behind it. They say it is supposed to head up the Carolina coast this coming weekend, which is when we are supposed to have our Scout trip to the beach. I hope they don't cancel. Hopefully they just reschedule it or something. But who knows, they could have been wrong on their predictions of where Hanna is heading. I guess we just have to wait and see what it does.

Friday I started on a family project with taking a bunch of our old family photos and scanning them onto my computer to back up on CD or on a Flash Drive. So far I am about half way done. Here is a video I made with pics of me when I was a kid, haha!

I miss being a kid!

This weekend I also announced the winners to my Titanic video contest:
1st - xxkeelimexx
2nd - LeoFan4Life
3rd - Splee3311

Congratulations!!!! And also a big thanks to everyone else who entered.

I got to chat with Jake last night and it was really good to talk with him. It's been a few days since I had heard from him so I was anxious to talk to him, haha. I really wish we could be friends in person rather than online. It's hard to keep up with each other online but if we were friends in real life I'd probably be involved in everything he is so we'd pretty much be with each other all day. He might would get sick of me but oh well! :p We are like brothers anyways (like I have said many times before), so we are close no matter how far away we are because he is so awesome like that! Thanks for being my friend for so long, you have made my life twice as cool, haha. You rule!

Well that's about it for my weekend. Back to school tomorrow. Awwwww! Do I have to? Oh well, it's a short week and might be going to the beach Friday so it's all good! Everyone have a great night! Especially you Jake. Oh and my other readers. Let's see.... Scooby, Kristian, Gage, Danny (thanks for the guestbook comment!), and ummmm.... YOU! :)

See ya,

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Burnin' Up!

Oops, sorry for the 5 Missed Days! School has been going really well and I am starting to enjoy it more. I have made a few friends and found a few to sit with at lunch. Drama class has been great and we have been doing tons of fun exercises. The teacher said that tomorrow we are going to start on "Character Analysis" so that doesn't sound like much fun. I don't really know though, i just think "Analysis" sounds like a boring thing, haha.

Oh yea, I haven't mentioned this but I made a new video over the weekend. Don't judge it by my singing, lol. I suck plus I wasn't really trying. I think the more videos I do like it will make it easier for me to sound better. Yea, I still stink but I could do much better than that, lol.

Writing the lyrics was the fun part, lol. I also liked editing the audio using the "Auto-Tune" effect. It's the same effect used in "Lollipop" and Rihanna's "Disturbia". Of course I didn't use it at full power like those do, but I want to in some other video because it sounds so awesome.

Today in Physical Science we did a Scavenger Hunt type thing with converting measurements (ex. 100ml = ___ L). It really helped in memorizing how to convert using Dimensional Analysis. There is that word again...Analysis.

Tonight at Scouts I had my Board of Review for "Life Rank". That is when you have a meeting alone in a room with 2 leaders. In this case it was two leaders that don't come that often. I've only seen one occasionally, the other used to be very active in the troop when I first started. When I walked in the room the leader I knew was like "Oh no, tell them to send someone in who isn't a troublemaker like you". haha. I sat down and they asked me a serious of questions about scouting in general like what was my favorite merit badge and what did I plan on doing for my Eagle Project. Then, the leader I knew talked about how proud he was of me and how I set a great example to all the guys. He said he is looking forward to being at my Eagle Ceremony and will be proud to see me make it that far. He reminded me of when I was pretty new and he set up an orienteering course and split us into groups. He said my group was really lost and confused but i stepped up and led the group and we made it very close to the last destination and beat everyone else. He said that was my "turning point" in the program and he has seen me increase greatly in my self-confidence, commitment, and determination since I joined. Wow, I guess that just really means a lot to me coming from him.

After the Conference, Reagan was next so I waited on him to get out. When he was done I asked him how it went. He said they asked him about the same stuff as me pretty much. I asked him if they said all the "proud of you" stuff but he said "what? no.". So that kinda makes me feel better about it knowing it wasn't something they kinda told everyone. But yea, they said that I answered every question with a great answer and congratulated me. I was happy :)

So now it's about time for bed. I haven't heard from Jake since Monday night but I hope he writes soon. I've written him like twice since his last message. I miss you man! haha, I know weeks are busy for him though and I'm glad he is having a good time.

Well, I guess that is it for tonight. Have an awesome night everyone! Especially you Jake, Gage, Scooby, and ummmm.... anyone else! Oh, my friend George made a blog so I put him in my friend's blog links to the right. Check it out!

Your maaaaaaan,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Late For Class!


Today was pretty good. It started out really sucky though.

So I got to school like last time. It was a little less crowded. When the bell rang we went to our lockers. I assumed we went to homeroom which was right next to my locker but the teacher told me that we go to first block. Well... this was one of the classes that was changed on me. I had written down A109 on my schedule, but the A109 wasn't the one I was looking for. I went up to a teacher and said i think i have the wrong class. He told me it should be C109. I had no clue where the C building was because I didn't know I left the A Building last time. I found it but all I saw was the gym. Then guess what...the late bell rang.

I went back into the main entrance of A Building and approached the window that said "Attendance Office". There was a lady in there and I explained to her what had happened. She showed me how to get to my class and wrote me an excuse. Oh god that was embarrassing. I had a feeling it was gonna be a really bad day.

I went to my class about 5 minutes late and turned in my slip. I noticed he didn't put anything in the computer and just read over it and threw it away. We talked about the Ancient tribes in the Americas and West Africa. We had to do several questions out of the book but we went over most of them as a class.

In 2nd Block the Spanish teacher said she got an email saying I was absent to first period. How did I know. She questioned me about it because she is also my home room teacher and she remembered me coming in earlier. I told her I turned in my slip. She told me to talk to my 1st Block teacher in the morning about it to get it fixed. Ok, trouble over..I hope. Spanish was pretty cool today. We worked on learning each others Spanish names and asking what their name was in Spanish. We also learned the alphabet. Weirdly, I knew it before hand. In Elementary we had a Spanish class about twice a week. We learned a song for the Alphabet so when we started going over it today it was really easy to recall. Most people didn't get it at all. Near the end of class we went around spelling our Spanish names out in Spanish. Most people had to use the chart and find each letter, but I just said it from memory. I got a lot of weird stares, lol. But the "perfecto" from the teacher was great, haha. I just thought it was pretty cool I remembered all that. I used to be so obsessed with learning Spanish as a second language I used to check out audio books at the library to learn, although those never helped, haha. Our homework was to learn to spell our last name in Spanish. Easy!

Near the end of Spanish I asked one of the guys I've been talking to and he said that he has first lunch too (same guy from yesterday) and that we go straight there after this class. So I ate lunch alone again. I didn't see him though but he is a freshman so i know that they have different areas and stuff. I feel weird sitting alone. I feel emo sitting alone, lol. I don't know why. Speaking of that, there was this 10th grader who had bright yellow hair. Holy crap that was awesome! It was different but it looked so cool. I wonder what it would be like if I dyed my hair that color.... Just kidding!

Third block, Theater, was amazing. We started out talking about trust and teamwork and took notes. Then we went to the stage. Wow! It felt like being in High School Musical or something! It was HUGE! Our stage at my old school was tiny and basically a big hole in the wall. This thing had several curtains and a real backstage area. Oh my gosh it was amazing! Anyways, out there we did some trust exercises. The first one was kinda serious. We all stood at the back of the stage and the teacher asked a bunch of question. Each one that was true about us we took a step forward. It started out with questions like "You have blue eyes" or "you are an only child" but as we got closer to the end the questions were deeper. Some were like "have you ever had a parent or guardian pass away" and "you feel good about yourself". I think it was a really good exercises and helped us gain trust with others. The other thing was more of a fun exercises. We got in a circle and took off one shoe. We could take off the other shoe too, lol, just put it back some. The game was called "Do You like your neighbor". We start out with one person in the middle. They then go up to a random person in the circle and ask, "Do you like your neighbor?". If you say yes, the 2 people on either side of you have to switch places before the person asking the question did. If you said no you had to say one thing you didn't like about them (ie. they are wearing jeans, they have white socks") then everyone in the circle who met that had to run to find a spot in the circle before someone else got it. It's pretty confusing but it was fun. Oh yeah I forgot one but I am running out of time. It was fun though, lol.

The sophomores had an assemble at 2:15 so we met in the auditorium (where i had just been on stage) and had a meeting. The principal introduced the office staff and stuff. I was appalled at the amount of disrespect some students showed. When the Guidance Director went on stage people were shouting out bad and disrespectful names at him. They also applauded all the assistant principals but actually booed one of them. I know, I sound like a retard, but I felt really hurt for them and sad that the students did that. It really pissed me off to be honest. I don't have time to get into why I think it's wrong but it just sickened me and hurt me for those teachers. Yeah, I'm weird like that.

Fourth blog was pretty good. We worked in groups and talked about the scientific method and variables. We have a quiz tomorrow but I think I'm pretty prepared for that. We had homework but I finished it in class. After the bell rang the teacher talked to me as I packed up. No, not because i was in trouble, he just asked where i was from and what school i came from. I don't think he recognized my old ones name, haha.

You know, it's weird, but no one has asked me about my arm yet. I don't know if its because they are scared to ask or they don't care. I don't mind answering, it's good that someone notices me, haha. Ok I sound like a total loser now :p

Well, that's it for this entry. It's long, I'm sorry Kristian! But I have a lot more to write about now. Have a good night Jake and Gage. I'll talk to yall tomorrow. TGI Friday!!!

Enrique (Clifton)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day...


So today was my first day in the Public High School. I was really nervous about going this morning. I had to write Jake because he is my comfort buddy, haha. I promised him I would tell him all about it so I thought, "What better way than through my blog?". So here ya go man....

My mom woke me up this morning around 6:15. I ate some breakfast and got dressed and ready. We were taking my brother and his friend from down the road to his new school first. They are both in middle school. So we left here about 7:15 and dropped them off about 7:30. We pulled up at my school around 7:45. That's when the butterflies kicked in. Tons of people! I got out of the van and walked up under the area in front of "A" Building. I saw no one i know. I felt really weird standing by myself but as I looked around there were others. After a few minutes I saw Olivia come walking up. I felt a lot better seeing someone I knew. Well I actually saw a few people I knew walk by but they didn't see me. They were all older though.

Any ways, we looked around and saw Michael standing by himself. He was in our class at my old school. We talked with him and then the bell rang for us to go to class.

We were totally lost. Olivia and I finally found our lockers after wandering the halls forever! Luckily our home room was in the same hall way. She had a different one but she was across from me. I walked in and set down in an empty seat. The teacher was also my Second Block Spanish teacher. We had a moment of silence which I now realize is like a prayer time if you want. Lol, I didn't know what it was for at first. Then we had the pledge and the TV came on for morning announcements. The teacher was passing back papers for us to get signed. They were mainly for homeless people, lol. That's really weird and sad to think that some kids in my school don't have homes to go to. Anyways, after a few announcements the bell rang for us to be dismissed.

I then headed to my First Block, American History. I asked a teacher for directions to get to the classroom printed on my schedule but he told us that there was a mistake and he sent us to the room we were supposed to be at. I followed a group of guys there. I really don't know how I'm gonna find it tomorrow. The teacher went over the classroom rules and went over our plans for the year. We talked a little bit about basic facts about our country. I can't believe there were 3 people who didn't know what the capital of the US was...

My next class was Spanish 1, which is the same teacher and room I have as homeroom. She is really nice. She started out the class telling us about herself in Spanish. Most people were like, "huh?" but weirdly I understood most of it. I guess those Spanish classes in Elementary really did pay off. She then gave us little pieces of cereal. Each color of the cereal represented a question that we had to answer in Spanish. She had the stuff on the board so it was mainly just an exercise to get to know everyone. The questions were: Name, Grade, Age, Favorite Music, and What you did this summer. We went around the room answering. Then she gave us a list of popular Spanish names and we each had to choose one to use throughout the semester. I chose Enrique because it sounded sexy, haha. I like it though.

Third block, Play writing/Performance, was next. I finally found the classroom after asking a teacher about the wrong room number then having to go back and ask again, lol. But when I got there it was cool. They had a mirror that filled up a whole wall. I found out I was the only person the teacher didn't know, haha. So I was out of all the inside jokes. But it was cool because it is a very laid back class. We went around the room telling about ourselves, what plays we had been in, what did we do over the summer, and something interesting about ourselves. I didn't really know anything interesting but she helped. At the beginning of class I told her what school i went to. So when I didn't know anything interesting she asked how long I had went to -------. I told her since first grade. She said wow and asked if I knew another girl who used to go there. Duh! Who doesn't know everybody at my old school. It was like a family...too bad I left. Anyways, the class was AWESOME. We didn't really do much but she said tomorrow we were going to the stage to do some exercises so I'm jazzed about that. Wow...I just used a Jake word!

Oops! About 10 minutes into 3rd block we had lunch. I have the first lunch period. I went to my locker and got my lunch. I decided to eat outside since it wasn't so crowded and there were other people out there. This one kid in my Spanish class came up and introduced himself to me. He was pretty cool, lol. Other than that I ate alone. Oh yeah, my drama teacher had lunch duty so she came over and introduced me to a few people. I kept my eye on her to know when the class was over just in case there wasn't a bell, lol. But there was. Then I returned back to 3rd block.

Then is was time for my last class of the day, Physical Science. I'm gonna rush this because it's getting late. The class was really fun. We talked about assumption and stuff and did a couple of fun activities. I think this is gonna be an awesome class.

So at the end of the day, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I scared myself too much from watching TV, haha. But it's pretty cool and I think I'm gonna get used to it.

Jake...I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to email you this afternoon. When I got home my Internet wasn't working so I worked on it for like an hour until I finally fixed it. Then I had to get ready for scouts. Crap, I didn't even have time to talk about that. I was planning on emailing you after this entry but it's past 11PM and I want to get to bed early because I'm about to pass out. Just write me back after you read this. Besides, this was pretty much all for you and myself. You rock dude!

Everyone have a great night! Especially you Jake, Gage, Dustin, Kristian, and any other readers! Tell me your name so I can mention you, lol.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Quicky but Serious

Hey, I know it's a short entry but I wanted to update before my first day of school. I'm really excited about it and I can't wait! I'll make sure to write all about it, lol.

Everyone have a great night! See ya tomorrow!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Shot At Love In New York With Flavor Flav


Howz you? I'm doing good. Today was pretty slow. My mom, dad, and bro had to work so I was home alone most of the day. I worked on a new video just because I hadn't made a real one in over a week. It was completely improvised so there is not much to it. I doubt it will be very popular.

A Shot At Love In New York With Flavor Flav!

The music is "F**k Ya Man" by Tila Tequilla. She sounds like Tommy Pickles in the song, haha.

I added a new MySpace song today. I change it a lot. I've had it set to "Far Away" by Libera for the past few days but I heard the song "Bartender" by REHAB on the radio today and I really liked it. It won't let me embed the real video but this is the song:

It's really catchy, haha. Sounds like my dad's type of music but it's new.

That's pretty much it for today. I chatted with Gage, Jake, and Dustin some. They are all doing ok. It's good to know Jake is still out there after not hearing from him, haha. Night readers!

See ya,

Friday, August 15, 2008

Boy Scout Ringtones

Wow, I just saw an ad on my blog for Boy Scout ring tones. WTF? I'd click on it but the AdSense rules say I can't click my ads. Anyone mind clicking on it for me and telling me what it's all about? ;)

So Wow! I did nothing! What a surprise...

I haven't heard from Jake in a couple days. I hope you are doing ok buddy!

Today was my old schools orientation. I'll talk to my friend Laura tomorrow to see how it went. I talked to Heather some today. She seems to be doing well. I'm gonna miss her :( We've been friends for so long. We will stay in contact though, hopefully we can meet up and do some stuff over the school year.

I rewatched Cloverfield today. Well not the full movie, I just skipped around. Not that you care.

Gage had to go to the hospital today from complications with a broken leg. Please pray for him and that the doctors do the best they can to treat it. Get well soon Gage!

Honestly, that's all I have for today. I hope everyone has a restful night and sorry for the super-short entry. Hopefully it will be better next time.

Love ya my pretties,