Tuesday, September 2, 2008

That's What You Get...

Dear Journal, (I'm gonna start like this from now on...maybe)

Today was sorta bad. Not awfully bad, but still bad. At school at least. Ok you are probably wondering why. Well let me get other stuff out of the way first.

History class was ok. We watched another movie and did our VHS Log. It was a pretty boring one though because it was just a bunch of pictures with a guy talking. It's old anyways, i liked the DVD's better.

In Spanish she paired us up in groups of three to practice a conversation. When she got to me she pointed me to be with 2 guys behind me. I turned my desk around and one was asleep and the other was talking to someone else. I kinda waited a minute and then I asked if they wanted to go over it. One dude got up and went to the teacher and told her we were ready. She already had another group going first. He came back and I asked again if they wanted to go over it. One of the guy's kinda looked at it and then put it away. The other still was laying his head down. Well, since I couldn't get anything out of them, i looked over it myself. Then she called us out in the hall. I had the first line so I said "Buenos Dias" to one of the other guys and held out my hand to greet him. He just looked at me and said "uhh..what did u say?". We wern't allowed to use English so I just kinda waited on him to say his next line. He pulled out the paper (like we aren't supposed to do) and read it. The teacher gave us another couple of minutes. We tried again. Still, he had no clue what he was doing. Neither did the other guy. I felt so stupid and yet there was nothing I could do about it. She kinda gave us a talk about using our practice time wisely. She have us all a C. Ok here's my anger...

Why the "F" should I get a C because they didn't want to work? I tried to get them involved and practice it but I couldn't make them. They are the ones who sit in the back of the class and don't do anything but talk all class. They don't give a crap about school. And what was she thinking partnering me with them? She knows I participate in class. And with this freakin' grade it will really lower my average and I only have like 7 and a half weeks to make it up. I think this was a test grade too. It is totally not fair. I am so used to getting all A's on my report cards and progress reports. And if this one freakin' grade causes me to get a C.... well I guess I am really hard on myself about my grades. My parents don't push me as hard as I push myself. Honestly, I felt like crying when I saw that grade and knowing there was nothing I could do about it. And now there is no changing it. But I mean, what could I have done? It's not freakin' fair and I'm not putting up with it again. If she does it again I am gonna have to meet with her after class or something. She is one of my favorite teachers there, but that was not fair at all of her to do that to me. So I guess "That's What You Get" when you go to a school with idiots. That made me really miss my old school, and I think that was pretty much the first time I've had a bad day in a while. It pretty much ruined my whole day. God this sucks...

Ok, now that that's over I can move on. Even though I still feel like crying over it :( I'm such a baby.

Lunch was good. I sat with Keenan again and then his sisters joined us. I'm starting to feel more comfortable with them and I guess they are becoming better friends. Like I've said before I'm not used to having to make new friends.

I finished up my testing in the computer lab. When I first got there the door was locked and no one was there so I decided to just go to third block but on my way to D building the computer lab lady, her name is Ms. Webb and I'm not even making that up, came out of the cafeteria. She said she had a meeting that ran over. She was really nice and apologetic. Oh, and she asked me if I wanted to ride the elevator so I was like SURE! It felt like a hotel or something, haha. When I got there I only had 3 questions to finish so she gave me a note and sent me to third block, Drama.

They were acting out their characters we made up a couple days ago. Uhoh! They all had theirs memorized but since I missed class Friday I hadn't looked at mine since Thursday. So as I was taking notes from the other "interviews" I reviewed over my character. Then she called me to be interviewed. Yea, I was nervous. And she said at the end she couldn't tell if it was the character being nervous or actually me. I didn't admit it but it was ME! Yea, I know we've been through a bunch of trust exercises, but I still don't know these kids. They all know each other, but i'm the new kid. I thought I'd feel comfortable because I love Theater, but I guess the crowd (my old school) really did affect my nervousness. To my old music class, I wasn't shy about anything. I was just as outgoing as everyone else. But in this new place, I am really shy, especially when speaking to the entire class. Yea..just thought you should know.

Ok I'm running low on time so I'm gonna skip science. It was an ok class. I got a 102 on my Test! YAY! Any chance those extra 2 points could transfer to my Spanish grade? :p

Tonight was our Court of Honor at scouts. A bunch of guys got rank advancements and merit badges. This was our first COH since Christmas so there was a lot to give out. I earned Life (YAY!) and I also got 5 Merit Badges. Next step...Eagle. Wow, I never thought I'd make it this far. I am so glad I got involved in scouting, I have loved every minute of it. I always look forward to our meetings and most our camp outs. Speaking of camp outs, Beach Sweep may be cancelled. I still paid my money ($40) but they said they will email us if Hurricane Hanna changes our plans. Right now it is supposed to hit the Coast of the Carolina's Friday Morning. We'll just have to wait and see. I think I said that last entry, lol. But anyways, I'm very proud of the guys in our troop for advancing and continuing to stay active.

Well that's pretty much it for tonight. Jake started his schoolwork today and Gage started his new school today as well. Kristian has his first day at his new school tomorrow. Good luck buddy and have a great time! It won't be as bad as you think, trust me. Have fun! Everyone have a great night, especially you Jake.

Sincerely (NOT!),

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