Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Webshow Numero Dos!

Hola! Comprehende Espanol?

Lol, what's up? Today was pretty good. I spent most of the morning (well, what I call morning, 1AM, lol) planning for my show. Gage came on later in the afternoon and we talked for a while. I spent some time on the boards I visit regularly as well. I haven't heard from Jake today so I hope he is doing well.

I did my second live show today and I think it was really good. I had it all planned and I was amazed I finished right when I expected to be done. The show went for about an hour which is what I plan on. I played some of Gage's music and people fell in love with him, haha. I also talked about Cloverfield 2, Distaster Movie, and Dark Knight. There were a few other subjects but I forgot already, lol.

I have my orientation for school tomorrow so I am pretty nervous about that but also excited. I hope I get at least one class with someone I already know. Olivia and I plan on meeting when it starts and going in together. That way we won't feel so alone, haha. She is going to try for her license in the morning so good luck! I need to start driving more. I only have like an hour of drive time in so far so I better hit the road.

Oooh guess what I found out! If I hold down Alt + a number on the keypad to the right of my keyboard I get symbols! ☺☻♥!!!! Holy poop! That is awesome. It works on everything!

Haha, night night everyone. Especially you Jake and Gage.

Your writer,

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