Friday, September 26, 2008

Dead Spiders!

Hey! I just wanted to do a quick entry to not leave you guys hanging again. It's been a pretty good week. Nothing amazing that I can remember but if there was something it must not have been that important. Oh yeah, we had school pictures Tuesday. Other than that, not much.

Yesterday in science we had a lot of fun. We had a bunch of different labs set up at different tables and it was so cool to see what some stuff did when mixed. We even melted a penny! At the end the teacher had a remote control giant spider and he scared a few people with it. He put it on one girls desk below her papers and when she sat down he moved it. She lifted the papers and then screamed and almost flipped over her desk. Everybody busted out laughing and she was so embarrassed but she was laughing so hard at the same time. It was hilarious.

Oh, the title is because at the end of science today the teacher brought out a box with a dead Tarantula in it. I petted it and one of its legs feel off! Uhoh! It was old though and there were other parts of it in the bottom of the box, lol. It was furry.

Britt Nicole uploaded a better qualty video of "Ready" from the concert I went to over the summer. Here it is. This vid is way better than mine so watch it!

That's pretty much it for tonight. I hadn't heard from Jake since last Sunday but I finally got a short note from him this morning saying he's been busy but he's been doing good. So yay! Haha, that's what worried me the most, wondering how he was doing. So yea, talk to you soon Jakey!

Everyone have a great night (Especially you Jake. You too Gage!)



misselodu57 said...

Hello ! i'm french and i think you're very funny !! have you msn ? my msn is : ... ACCEPT ME pleeeaaaaaase i want to chat with you =P

misselodu57 said...

Hi !! accept me pleaaaaaaase !!! thank you very much ! i am very friendly you know ? and i think you're a very good person :p ! S'il te plaît chéri... bye bisous .... see you later :)