Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Rolling in the New Year

Hey guys,

Whatsup? It's been a great Holiday break and I'm not ready to go back to school. Today I uploaded a video I have been working on since around Christmas. It is a look back at all the important things in 2008:

Yeah, I know the singing isn't my best. I was so rushed to get it out in time because I just had a few days to record, film, and edit it. The editing didn't turn out as good as I planned because when I imported it using my new software, i couldn't edit it in my old. So I had to do the ENTIRE project in unfamiliar software. VERY BAD IDEA! So yeah, sorry if the editing isn't up to par with my usual style. I had to cut 40 minutes of green screen footage down to 4 min. Then I had to go back and add the background and position each individual green screen shot. Oh well, hope you like it.

I'm gonna do like last year and make a list of things I want to accomplish in 2009. But first, here is my list from last year. Let's see if I lived up to my goals:

Get all A's on final report card

Exempt my exams

Get my Permit

Start looking for a job
Lol, no. I'm not old enough!

Make new friends
Duh! I had to at a new school (this is before I knew I would switch)

Build better relationships with my really close friends
...I've kind of lost good relationships with people at my old school. And one of my best friends moved away. So, I can't really say I completed that. Unless you mean online and with Jake, then YES! ;)

Save Money

Exercise more
You're kidding right? NO!

Eat less junk food
I guess I sorta did this....Sorta.

Do good in "Smellin' Coffee"
I think so!

Get over my mild stage fright
Lol, I like how I said "mild" and yes, I am over it!

Pray everyday by myself (not including school)
Well, I kind of let myself down on that one. I have actually been praying less than when I was in a Christian School. I haven't really thought about it until. Dang! Sorry Jesus! I mean I have prayed, but not as often as I used to. I do sometimes at night if I go to bed kind of early. :(

Ok, so time for REALISTIC goals for next year:

1. Become a Partner on YouTube.
2. Create at least 20 parodies over the year.
3. Get over 2,000 Subscribers.
4. Get good grades next semester (and First semester, 11th Grade).
5. Share my faith every opertunity available at school.
6. Be more outgoing, and not so shy around strangers.
7. Find a good charity to sponsor after I get a job and donate regularly.
8. Get a job.
9. Get my Drivers License.
10. Find a way to share Christ's love through my videos (without being forceful)
11. Find a way to sneak over to Jake's house and hideout in his Attic.

Haha, JK about that last one. Btw, Jake I wanted to let you know I'm still alive. Sorry I didn't write you yesterday. I didn't realize editing would be an all day process. I guess instead of writing you I'll include it in this entry. Thank you so much for being my friend this year. Well and the year before but I think this year we have grown closer than we ever were before. Sure, we had a few mishaps and even some arguments but we always ended up getting back together. Hopefully our friendship will grow even stronger in 2009, if that's possible, haha. You are my Online BFF and you will always be. I love you (like a brother) dude! :)

Well I'm having the craving for a scary movie so I'm gonna go look one up. I'll make sure to catch the ball drop too!

Everyone have a great New Years and "Good Luck in '09!"

3..2...1....HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Have I Given Up?

If there are any readers out there (that I haven't kept in contact with in other ways) then I sincerely appologize for not giving you guys an update in weeks. A lot of my time has been dedicated to schoolwork, videos, and talking with friends online. I have a Vlog that you can subscribe to at:

I try to update as much as possible along with extra stuff not on my main channel. I am not giving up on my journal, I just am finding less time to keep you updated as often as I would like. The more popular I become on YouTube, the more time I have to dedicate to my videos to keep my fans happy. And it's something I really enjoy doing. YouTube is my other life right now. And I look at it as a way to practice for my career intentions in the future. I hope you understand.

I will still try to update as much as possible, but I don't want to consider this blog a priority. I put my online friends (Mainly Jake) and my videos above anything else online. Of course I like to keep the world updated on my life, along with my future self. But I consider videos another way to record my life, the creativity side.

So yeah, just wanted to throw this quick update out there. I hope EVERYONE out there has a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I surely plan on updating before New Years with my goals for 2009. I will recheck my goals from last year and see what I achieved.

Jake, I haven't heard from you in a few days buddy. I hope everything is going ok with you over there. I know the holidays are a busy time for you, and I hope they are going great! Merry Christmas Bro!

Good Night to all, and to all a....Yeah!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Point of No Return

10 Days in the dark. MY BAD!

This past week or so has been CRAZY busy. I really had a good time though. Our plays on Thursday and Friday of last week went fantastic. I was really pleased with my performance. This class has tought me a lot. Saturday we went to Charlotte to work on the Operation Christmas Child workshop. It was so cool to inspect the boxes and help stuff them with extra stuff. I just thought it was cool knowing that the next person to look inside that box after me would be a kid that may only recieve this one gift all year or posibly all their lives. I am definitely doing my own box next year.

So, I'm sick! Wednesday I woke up with a really bad sore throat, Thursday I had a runny nose, and today was both combined. Not to mention the medicine I took this morning "may cause drawsiness". I felt like crap in my first two blocks. Oh well, hope I get over it soon.

We have to do a monologue for Drama on Monday. I took mine from Hello, Dolly. I had one from another play picked out but I like this one better. Yesterday and today we worked on blocking it. I hope I'm ready for it on Monday. We also had to do a Resume. We had to list all the plays we have been in since 8th grade. That was pretty cool to make. We also had to list "special skills" so i put singing, jazz and irish step dancing. At the end of class today (fun class, we laughed so hard with no reason at all!) we were talking about spongebob and mrs. Daniels was grading our papers and called out my name really loud and said "CLIFTON! You can do Irish Step dancing?!?". Everybody tried to get me to do it but i didn't, lol. I only know a little bit (from old school) and I didn't want to look stupid, lol.

We watched a movie on earthquakes in Southern California in Science class. Pretty scary stuff.

Jake, are you okay there little buddy? lol. Haven't heard from you in a few days. Write soon!

I took some of that medicine again and I'm starting to get weak and sleepy. I guess I'll close here. I will probably have a new video up tomorrow so i'll try to update then. Everyone have a great night, especially you Jake!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy 27th!

Happy Birthday Britney Spears! Haha, that's the best way I could think of to open the entry :p I just downloaded your new album online on Limewire! ;)

Sorry I haven't updated in like a week. My break was pretty busy with Thanksgiving and stuff. By the way that went good in case you were wondering.

Our play is Thursday and Friday and I'm really excited about it. We have a dress rehearsal tomorrow during class so I get to wear my PJs! Lol. Tomorrow will be my first time running the lights on my own. I'm kind of scared because I'm unsure about one part in the first play. Hopefully I won't miss my cue. I don't want to dissappoint Mrs. Daniels. Other than that 1 part I think I have it down.

Saturday I'm gonna work with my partners (yes, we have another person with us now) on our trrbuchet project. We still haven't started :( I'm not gonna get into that now but I would have liked to start last weekend.

Oh I made a preview trailer for my new parody coming out Friday!

I can't wait to release it!

I know this entry is short but I just wanted to fill you in on whatsup. I'll try to update Saturday after Operation Christmas Child. I won't be able to until then unfortunately. But after this week my schedule should go back to normal.

Everyone have a great night! Especially you Jake. I haven't really heard from you in a couple days so write when you can! NIGHT!